美妙叶 - 十全十美茶
Client: 成都妙叶柒茶食品科技有限公司Designer: Sophie、YZ.W、ShanScope: 包装设计Year: 2022美妙叶原本是一个做茶叶原料供应的品牌,为众多知名茶饮品牌提供原料供应和产品研发服务。多年来,品牌一直秉承自己独特的制茶哲学,认为即使是在以效率为先的现代生活中,也希望能让人保有喝茶时安静的心境,而这款茶作为品牌面向大众消费者的第一款产品,传递的也是这样一份期待。美妙叶的包装每一面都有故事,一把禅意寂定的茶壶,一片人文诗意的竹林,一幅来自宋朝书法家蔡襄的“茶”字书法,十杯美妙叶的茶汤;让每一个品茶之人有情有景有境。十全十美、妙叶杯中。Grace Tea was originally a brand of tea raw material supply, providing raw material supply and product research and development services for many well-known tea brands. Over the years, the brand has been adhering to its own unique tea-making philosophy, believing that even in modern life where efficiency is the first priority, it is hoped that people can maintain a peaceful state of mind when drinking tea. The first product conveys such an expectation.There are stories on every side of the packaging of Grace Tea, a teapot with a sense of Zen and tranquility, a bamboo forest with humanistic and poetic flavor, a piece of calligraphy of the word "tea" by Cai Xiang, a calligrapher in the Song Dynasty, and ten cups of tea soup from Grace Tea; Let everyone who tastes tea people have feelings and scenery. Perfect and perfect, in the Grace tea cup.
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